Grounds Maintenance
The thirteen acres of common ground deeded to the Association by the developer exists for the use and enjoyment by all members of the Association and residents of the Cluster and their visitors. However, there are certain restrictions:
- Neither residents, visitors, nor service contractors are permitted to drive motor vehicles onto unpaved areas of the common ground. Vehicles must remain on the roads or in the parking areas. Exceptions may be granted by the Board of Directors for special circumstances.
- Residents must not store or otherwise leave building materials, equipment, stacks of firewood, or any other personal belongings on common ground property.
- Residents must not discard trash, branches, leaves, yard clippings, or any other refuse or materials in the common ground area. These must be bagged or bundled and set at curbside on regular collection days and disposed of along with your other household trash and garbage, and recyclables.
- Residents must not plant or remove and trees, shrubs, or other flora of any type in or from the common ground without the express consent of the Board of Directors. This is because any alterations to the common ground must undergo the same Reston Association request and approval process as that for modifications to a homeowner's house or yard. Only the Board of Directors can apply for permission to alter the common ground.