parking resolutions


Current Parking Policy Resolution 20-1 (effective June 1, 2020)


 "Procedures and Rules for Parking, Vehicle Registration and Parking Permits"


While the majority of the resolution remains unchanged, there are a couple of key changes from the prior policy:


  • The Board has created a narrow definition for what constitutes a "flagrant violation" in the parking policy and the Board now has the right to immediately tow a vehicle for such flagrant violations. The definition of a “flagrant violation” and the supporting process is detailed in Section IV, Paragraph 4 of the resolution.


  • Section I Paragraph 9 clarifies the responsibilities of non-resident owners relative to residents who rent their homes.


  • The provision that addressed 4th vehicles as grandfathered for certain homes in 2013 has been removed and is no longer valid.


  • Please note that the language in Section IV, Paragraph 9 (unchanged since 2013) is being reviewed by legal counsel and could be revised.


In support of this resolution, the cluster has signed an agreement with Battlefield Towing that enables Board members to enforce violations of the stated policy with towing at owners' expense.


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