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11/2/2022  HGCA Board Elections - Call for Candidates


Hunters Green Neighbors,


It is time to elect new board members for our community.  This year there will be 2 open seats. Per our Bylaws, the board should consist of 5 Director/board members. We are scheduled to have our election on December 13, 2022, thus the board is officially calling for candidates.


You might ask “Why should I volunteer on the HGCA board?”  The answer is you will become part of a successful team of volunteers who bring us safety, security, and value to our homes with attractive landscaping, maintained parking areas, playgrounds, lighting, good governance, and community spirit.  Consider that as a board member, you will play a direct role in making Hunters Green Cluster a truly great community, not just an attractive and safe place to live, but a place where diverse people build lasting friendships.  Whether your life goal is to make a difference, be a consensus builder, or feel a sense of connection to your community, we ask you to volunteer.

 We are hopeful that multiple persons will volunteer for the open seats to continue a long tradition of an inclusive, self-governed community.

 We will hold a virtual election using our proxy voting system. To have the virtual election, we are requesting candidate’s self-nominate by Friday, November 18, 2022, so that proxy ballots can be published on November 20, 2022.  The self-nomination consists of your name, address, and a short bio, emailed to  

Once we have published the proxy ballots, the board will distribute the ballots by Monday November 28, 2022 to each home for voting. The votes will be collected electronically or by paper and will be finalized at the December 13, 2022 board meeting. Details of the proxy process have been distributed for review and are available in the Resource Center at  

Thank you all in advance for your time, consideration and participation in keeping our cluster association an effective and viable self-governing body. If you have questions about what being a board member entails, please email us and we will be glad to chat. (

To recap the important dates:
Call for nominations by Friday November 18,2022
Proxy Ballot Published  Sunday November 20, 2022
Ballots Distributed by Monday  November 28, 2022
Votes collected electronically and in person from 11/28 through 12/13
Votes finalized and new members elected at annual meeting December 13,2022
Thank you,
HGCA Board




10/28/22:  Halloween Parade October 31 at 5:30PM 


Trick or Treaters are invited to gather at the lower playground on Indian Ridge at 5:30 PM for a costume parade before trick or treating.  Please contact the board with any questions. 



10/24/22:  Request for support of the Reston Comprehensive Plan 


Dear Neighbors,


As you may know by now, we received good news recently when Supervisor Alcorn officially announced that he will not support changing the Reston Comprehensive Plan to allow development on Reston National Golf Course.  Your personal efforts in contacting him were instrumental in his decision.  From the 14 communities adjacent to the course, he received 489 comments opposed to development, 1 comment in favor, and 9 supporting an “open public process” to discuss the course’s future.  Among those not living along the course, they received 422 opposed, 3 in favor, and 176 supporting an open process.  Congratulations, we won the first round!


The issue is not fully settled because the updated comprehensive plan draft is being reviewed by the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors, either of whom could suggest changes.  We now ask for you to  continue to show support by  submitting a comment to the county expressing your support to maintain all 169 acres of Reston National Golf Course as open recreation space, per the current plan draft.  You can visit the following site where there is a red “submit your comments” bar. .  


Comments are due by October 28th. Talk about why the current status is good planning, that is, it is part of our heritage and vision, we use Reston Association trails through and on the edges of the course, we and neighbors golf there, there is nice open area in the middle of high density development, and we are protecting watershed and wildlife.  Avoid mentioning you enter the course for personal reasons because it is reserved for golfing.  Please see the attached letter that the Board has submitted on behalf of the entire community as a reference.  


Please email us at if you have questions.


Thank you,

HGCA Board



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